Partners and Collaborations


A very special thank you to all of our partners and collaborators. Click on the images to be taken to their websites.



Provides solar backpacks.

World Peace Tribe

Provides education on Peace Sticks – how to make them and how to play the Peace Sticks game. World Peace Tribe builds Peace Centers across the world and Springboard helps source materials they need.


Helps Springboard Connectivity spread the message of our mission through social media platforms and EcoStiks patches.

World Systems Solutions

Connects us with valuable educators and change agents.

The Boredom Movement

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Gives us valuable educational activities to bring to our education centers.

Power Pak

Provides portable solar panels to our constituents.

Abundant Earth Foundation

Connects us with other groups doing similar work in Kenya and beyond.

Just Coconut

Helps us find work for our constituents.

Organic Food Kenya

Center where we sent our students to learn permaculture.

Manwar Farm

Supporting with online and in person classes. Guiding our constituents in developing farm businesses and learning organic fertalizer methods.

Mama Doing Good

Provides portable solar panels to our constituents.

Heidel Energy

Connects us with other groups doing similar work in Kenya and beyond.

New Talent for the Best Future

Refugee Camp Education Center

Kids Uganda Canada

Technology and art education center.