About us

Who we are

Springboard Connectivity was founded by Tracy Tarlow after being immersed in climate solutions teams at World Systems Solutions. This non-profit was born in May 2023 from Tracy and Oliver co-creating the WSS Food and Water Security Team and doing their best to implement solutions to meet the climate crisis in real time.

See our story --->
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After observing the direct needs that were being presented through our sister non-profit organization, World Systems Solutions (WSS), founder, Tracy Tarlow, decided to take action to start a non-profit organization that would help people to go from survival mode to thriving.

We found members and participants at WSS, who were interested in or actively part of climate crisis solutions generation, but were lacking the basic infrastructure to do so, such as water or strong Wi-Fi connection.

If people want to work as a global community towards sustainable solutions, they must have the basic needs to do so – this includes education, sustenance, and equal access to technology.

Through the sustained collaboration at the WSS Food and Water Security Team and also interacting with other WSS members, we have found many needs to be fulfilled in underserved and underrepresented communities across the globe.

Our aim is to dissolve barriers and borders, enabling all beings to have equal chance at thriving and becoming sovereign. In a rapidly changing world, faced with more and more climate and environmental instability, and if the world is going to be as technologized as much as it is, we cannot leave anyone out or behind.

All beings deserve access to clean water, healthy food and education in the fields they are interested in.

Our approach

Our Mission
Our mission is to make sure people get all the support they need to thrive and contribute to a harmonious world.

We serve individuals and organizations who are interested or already are part of climate crisis solutions by providing them access to the basic needs such as the water, seeds, technology and education required for them to participate. All efforts are physical, on-the-ground efforts to regenerate habitat and support harmonious societal environments.

Our Vision
We want to build a world where all beings have access to basic needs, thus fulfill their potential.

There are many disadvantaged and underprivileged people across the world who do not have access to the technology and resources required to be part of solutions generation for world crises such as the climate crisis. The inequity presents a problem because those who would want to contribute to global solutions to the climate crisis are not able to due to lack of resources. We are here to change this paradigm so that everyone has equal opportunity to participate.

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Meet the Founder, Tracy Tarlow

Tracy Tarlow received her BA from Sonoma State University in Environmental Studies; Conservation and Restoration, Resource and Land Management. 

She got her Permaculture Design Certificate from Occidental Arts and Ecology Center in 2010 and then went on to study and teach Permaculture, farming, gardening and herbalism in addition to being involved in K-12 education on Maui, Hawaii for 10+ years. 

In June 2021, Tracy began working with a non-profit, World Systems Solutions (WSS), and continues to do so. At WSS, Tracy works in operations and co-founded a creative solutions generation team called WSS Food and Water Security Team where she is working closely with global leaders to solve the food, water and medical crises across the world. Their mission is to guide, support and encourage understanding of, and facilitate easy access to regenerative, sustainable and high-quality food and water for all beings.

Her passions are in nutrition, education, equality, whole systems thinking, sovereignty and healthy, diverse ecosystems. She lives in Ojai, CA where she supports the region as an International City of Peace and a future of being completely regenerative.

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